Recent content by semperty

  1. S

    Oh, the irony...

    Poor officiating happens, you know. That doesn't mean the rule is flawed, it means the ump is.
  2. S

    Oh, the irony...

    The ump showed a very clear inconsistency in his response. If Correa had been in the same spot, but been hit, he'd have been out. That means he's in the baseline, and that he caused the poor play.
  3. S

    Oh, the irony...

    MLB has the right rule, it was just poorly applied here.
  4. S

    Record or Rest?

    3 games of rest won't make a difference in the postseason. You've gone this long for the record, you can't quit now. Also, doesn't Curry only play like 30 minutes a game? I feel like people are way overhyping how many miles are on some of these guys' legs for the season.
  5. S

    UEFA Champions League

    I loved every second of that match.
  6. S

    Pirates, Polanco Agree To Five-Year Extension

    And then there are the Reds and Brewers.
  7. S

    Jose Bautista Interference? (Jays-Rays game)

    It's interference with the new rule (he didn't stay on the bag) and it's interference without the new rule (you've never been able to just grab players while they were attempting a throw). It's a shitty way to end the game, but there would be very few complaints if this happened in the 5th...
  8. S

    Pirates, Polanco Agree To Five-Year Extension

    Also, I'm sick of the Pirates getting these deals. It's great business, but it's annoying as fuck.
  9. S

    Pirates, Polanco Agree To Five-Year Extension

    Probably not. It still won't be better than Marte's, in my opinion.
  10. S

    MLB Gamethread: April 3rd-April 9th

    The Royals really may be the most fun team to watch in the bigs. Limit the K's, incredibly intelligent on the base paths, great defense, and lots of movement from their pitchers.
  11. S

    MLB Gamethread: April 3rd-April 9th

    The entire infield won't be in for a sac bunt. At worst, third base will be drawn in.
  12. S

    MLB Gamethread: April 3rd-April 9th

    No. It'd take Marte not taking steps forward and Cutch taking massive steps back. He'll be the third best OF, again.
  13. S

    MLB Gamethread: April 3rd-April 9th

    Matheny already doing Matheny things. Second inning, 1 out, runner on first, pitcher up, and we've got our infield playing in, instead of double play depth. Cool Mike.
  14. S

    Prospect to watch for your team this season?

    Daz Cameron should be on that list.
  15. S

    Which do you prefer? Slugfest or pitchers duel

    Most baseball fans also think hitting a home run is more exciting than watching someone race around the bases, I disagree.