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    2 Lebron James Walls

    here are two lebron james walls i had the first one for a while and now i am using the second one. these are my 3rd and 4th walls that i actually tried on since i am the one using them. the first one is modeled after gety's MJ wall, poorly modeled, but modeled none the less and the second one i...
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    Ronnie "what can Brown do for you"

    i realize these are ugly but thats my style and i think i am pretty much nailing that style on every sig i make, especially in the text area. version 1 version 2 version 3
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    need help with a wallpaper im making

    okay i am trying to make a collage type wallpaper with events that happened in 1989 and i need some help and was hoping someone could help me. 1. any tips on how to go about this would help but i think i have a basic idea of it 2. the biggest problem is that i want to use a lot of newspaper...
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    Poseidon Photo Manipulation(56K maybe)

    This is easily my best work yet. It is a photo manipulation of the Greek God of Sea, Poseidon(thanks to my 10th grade English Teacher for that useless knowledge). Also if you look close you can see Poseidon's bare package, which clears up any rumors as to what color Poseidon may have been. This...
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    Taylor Swift

    decided i would make a lichtenstein style pop art picture of one of them ost beautiful individuals on the planet A.K.A. taylor swift. it looks best at the "480" size cause the cut wasnt from a really big picture in a related note here is what kanye had to say at brett favre's latest news...
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    Halo 3 ODST

    i saw the commercial for this and decided i would make a sig to go along with the release but i didnt know when it released and i logged on here and there it was, a halo banner that said it was released yesterday and i kinda got upset but i did it anyway. i had to do the text cause i suck at...
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    i was listening to "empire state of mind" and got this idea. i have good ideas but i jsut cant get them on the sig as good as i want. if anyone wants to give it a go and change anything then have at it. i think it is ok. as usual i suck at the text the most so i jsut put something in hopes of...
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    Timothy Richard Tebow

    i dont like this one but i just didnt want to delete it so i thought i would post it here. just had no ideas going and of course the text is god awful as usual. go ahead and bash this one as bad as you want.
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    My Hat Designs

    since they are so quick and easy to do i am going to just post any i make in this one thread instead of making a new thread everytime. georiga tech
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    Retro Atlanta Hat Design

    let me know what you think. im not sure i got the angles or the size the same on the top right and bottom left and im not sure if the top is how it should look or not but i still kinda like it. here is the template
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    Tim Lincecum

    i like thiso nem ore than any other one i have done. i think it is my best and i know your saying to yourself, "if this is his best then his others must suck" and you are prolly right but cut me some slack im pretty much a beginner. i noticed there have been a handful of ones recently with...
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    Ladainian Tomlinson

    ok here is my problem and i hope someone can help me out. the other day i had about half of the layers on this done and i downloaded that font pack i saw on another thread with something like 1300 fonts in it and ever since then i have been trying to do some text and it takes forever for it to...
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    Anquan Boldin

    this is only the 2nd or 3rd one i have done with no help at all from a tutorial so it isnt anything too impressive. BTW am i the only that is having trouble with this site. i have to refresh like 5 times cuz for some reason it wont let me click on anything.
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    Dwight Howard

    Dwight Howard. please CnC. this is the only one that i have done that i liked the text on. it is simple and i think it works but im sure that thought will be shot down
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    Larry Fitzgerald

    Im notso sure I like this one but i spent about an hour on it and didnt want to just do away with it so i thought i would post it and see if anyone wanted to maybe help out. i know the biggest thing is the text, which is a problem on all of the sigs i have made. i am in a bit of a dry spell...
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    Brian Westbrook

    This one doesnt have much going on as far as backgrounds and whatnot cuz, well to be honest, im just not that good but i like this one pretty good. CnC please. if someone wants the PSD jsut ask cuz i am not any good at text so icould use some help there
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    CJ Spiller

    im not so sure what i think about this one. it seems a bit CnC
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    Assassin's Creed

    i havent seen to many game/cartoon sigs around here so here is one i jsut did. let me know what you think. just ask if you want the psd
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    Lil Wayne

    another one. could use some help so please CnC. if you want the psd for something just ask v2
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    Ryan Braun
