A bunch of NFL Wallpapers I made recently


Hall of Fame
Jun 17, 2007
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i know most of us dont use switches be it seems we all like seeing them. i know i love looking at switches

could you make a brandon jennings and josh smith switch?


Active Member
May 23, 2013
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gladsadmad said:
Of course I will always try to get better and do more interesting and complex work. I was just responded to .doctor's assumption that because I didn't create wallpapers in the style that he prefers, I conceding that they were bad. I think the work is solid, it's just different. He put words in my mouth about needing improvement. Some of them have simple concepts and are cheesy, but they still required some time.

Naturally, I posted here because I wanted some feedback. I just prefer more constructive feedback instead of lazy critique. To the question about whether the work is for me or my clients. It's a little of both. They like my work, so it goes hand in hand. My next batch of WP's will be more abstract like the kind you guys are used to. It will be a good exercise for me and hopefully, you'll like it more.
He didn't put words in your mouth. He just made the safe assumption that you were looking to improve since you're posting your work here — which you have now confirmed him to be correct. I don't see where he called your work "bad" or even suggested it, either. He said it was "nothing special" which I don't think there is any denying. That's great if you've spent a lot of time on them, but time doesn't = quality and it certainly doesn't make it immune to criticism. I wouldn't call your stuff "simple", either. Maybe simple in terms of execution/lay-out but they are mostly very busy and have a lot of arbitrary filters/effects/layer styles all over them. Compositionally, I wouldn't say it's any simpler than something like this: http://romengfx.deviantart.com/art/Lionel-Messi-278999958 The artist obviously chose to go a more realistic direction for effects as opposed to PS filters and he added those shapes but all-in-all it's a very simple concept and lay-out just executed in a really aesthetically pleasing way. Also, PS filters aren't a "style". It's just the easiest way to add effects to something which doesn't make it a good solution.
Now it's obviously unfair to compare your work to that because it's one of the best sports wallpapers you can find, but I'm just showing that doing something "simple" doesn't excuse you from criticism. In fact, the simpler you go the more important each detail becomes meaning the more attention they will require. 
I might sound harsh but I'm just giving honest feedback. That's all I ask for with my work so I wouldn't want to give anything less to others. Great job on the jersey switches btw, but I don't think that helps you at all

Thanks for coming here and I look forward to seeing more of your work!


New Member
Sep 17, 2010
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Thank you for the thought out critique of my work. I stand by my comment that his criticism was lazy, unlike yours. I appreciate the honesty. I might just make a whole wallpaper of uniform switches..haha

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