Why LeCon won't ever win in Miami (or anywhere else)

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Hall of Fame
Mar 31, 2007
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Yeah, let me put it this way:
If you're parents had been promising you a car for years, on your 16th birthday, and your 16th birthday came and went with no car and you had put every effort into making getting you a car seem like a logical decision i.e. you paid for your own drivers ed, you got your 50 hours, you went a got your license, all leading up to your 16th birthday (well you got your license on your 16th birthday) wouldn't you be pissed? And above all that, for your 16th birthday your parents took a 1 week trip to Aruba without you, and then you find out that they bought a nice house for themselves in Aruba and are going to live their leaving you alone with your siblings, would that not be a kick in the face?

More than that, now I am left to support my house and brothers, sure I have a job but those paychecks are all going to support my new family. While i may have the money to sustain us, my parents are the people who paid for anything extra, like any fun or anything like that. And now I don't have them so extracurriculars are out of the question.

Bogus right?

If you need me to explain the parallels for you here AE specifically, I will, but you should probably get it yourself.
OMG, the most accurate comparison to a basketball player, playing for a new team, that anybody could come up with. You're a genius dc...thanks for allowing me to see the light.


RIP Derek Boogaard
Hall of Fame
Oct 25, 2009
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I love how you use sarcasm to try and put down other people when they obviously find flaws in your methods, but if anyone questions you they are wrong...


Hall of Fame
Mar 31, 2007
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I love how you use sarcasm to try and put down other people when they obviously find flaws in your methods, but if anyone questions you they are wrong...
Excuse the sarcasm but the simile attempt is just too outrageous. And yes Eric, typically in a debate, those who oppose your side of the argument...you accuse of being wrong.

BTW dc, is that part of the story before or after the angry, multi-million dollar grandfather, (who also owns a giant sticker company), sent the very nasty letter to the parents? Or wait...is Dan Gilbert the poor, 16 year old in all this? Or is it the city of Cleveland?


RIP Derek Boogaard
Hall of Fame
Oct 25, 2009
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Don't try and belittle me, I know that damn well... But you fail to even examine the other side of any argument... And you reply with little sarcastic remarks, always making sure that the first line of your posts belittle and personally attack whoever it is that poked holes in your argument, or showed why LeCon is, for lack of a better term, a pussy.


Hall of Fame
Mar 31, 2007
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Don't try and belittle me, I know that damn well... But you fail to even examine the other side of any argument... And you reply with little sarcastic remarks, always making sure that the first line of your posts belittle and personally attack whoever it is that poked holes in your argument, or showed why LeCon is, for lack of a better term, a pussy.
Given you're history...I can say that this is definitely 'the kettle calling the pot black'.

Don't come at me with this bullsh...your no saint.


RIP Derek Boogaard
Hall of Fame
Oct 25, 2009
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And that's all irrelevant. And this is coming from the guy who, right after I came back, sent me a PM degrading me as a russian jew as a "test". So <Censored> you, <Censored> whatever agenda it is you seem to have, and <Censored> the fact that it's your way or the highway.


Hall of Fame
Mar 31, 2007
Reaction score
And that's all irrelevant. And this is coming from the guy who, right after I came back, sent me a PM degrading me as a russian jew as a "test". So <Censored> you, <Censored> whatever agenda it is you seem to have, and <Censored> the fact that it's your way or the highway.
Fair enough, I can live with that.


It is what it is
May 18, 2008
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Alright settle down guys. Now Im going to sum up how I feel about the whole thing if anyone cares that is, lol:

First of all Im not one of those people who thinks Lebron is a horrible person and betrayed the city of Cleveland. I think that obviously his legacy will be different from the path that was expected of him, thats just an obvious fact. In every sport we try to determine a players legacy and each legacy is held under a microscope based upon so many variables. Such as the era, players around them, the role that they played, and other factors. Its Lebron's decision to make and he knows very well that his legacy as the greatest wont be a proper comparison to those that are currently there. What is so wrong with Lebron being more concerned with winning over money, legacy, and reputation? He only cares about his family and his happiness and his actions over the past few days proves that.

I do feel that holding a special was the wrong way to approach his decision. Even if he was approached by ESPN, he couldve politely said no if he felt some sort of endearment or remorse towards the city that watched him mature as a man and a basketball player. I felt it was very egotistical of him when he couldve gone on with Wade and Bosh at the same time. And didnt elcheato make a post with Lebron James' website and it said something that we would know there first? Of course Lebron James doesnt owe the city of Cleveland anything, but there is one thing that James owed that city.....

And that was the respect to state his decision in a more appropriate manner and not that way. I start to consider how I would react if my favorite player from my favorite team would leave and I start to understand the Cavalier fans. Think about it for a second for your respective teams, how would you feel? Obviously everyones feelings are going to be different. But there are those out there that use sports as a getaway from troubles and worries of a tough life. If that was my favorite player, I would be dissapointed in him, thinking that my city wasnt good enough for him or that the adoration that I put forth was all in vain for someone who didnt have the decency to quietly make his decision. Supposedly this was someone who loved his hometown and was loyal to that city, but where is that loyalty now?

What I also find uniquely interesting is Dan Gilberts reaction and backlash towards Lebron. I found soooo peculiar that he gives him everything and anything, but yet he just as quickly turns his back on what Lebron did for the Cavaliers. This isnt a one way street, Lebron did as much for the Cavs as Dan did for Lebron. And yet, Dan feels all this hatred. So much to say that Lebron basically gave up in the Celtics series (which I agree with). But the million dollar question I would like to ask Dan is: If you felt that Lebron quit on your team and you consider him a quitter, Why would you still want him on your team? What does that have to say about Mr. Gilbert now?

Lebron James at the end of the day did what made him happy and any decision he made, he was going to receive backlash from many people. What irks me the most out of this whole situation is the sort of "agreement" made by these players to get together and form a super team. No matter what anyone says, this isnt whats best for the league. And its star players have lost the understanding that they arent bigger than the league by forming this super team. What if the Heat win 3 championships? That doesnt help half the leagues teams that dont have the resources to compete. Now let me use a comparison with the NFL. You know why the NFL is so popular and the most popular sport in the US? Because there is sooooo much parody, every team every year has a chance of doing something extraordinary. And thats whats so great about it, every fan from every city has hope and a chance of seeing something great. I feel that has been taken away in the NBA with this "pact."

What about the effect it will have on the rest of the league in future free agencies? Players might start to make pacts between themselves to make their own super teams. I know these ideas seem far-fetched, but 6 months ago, didnt Lebron, Wade, and Bosh together on 1 team seem very far-fetched as well?

Congratulations to Lebron for doing what made him happy, I just thought he would've been more humble in the way that he made his decision.
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