Jose Reyes agrees to terms with Marlins


Well-Known Member
Hall of Fame
Sep 25, 2009
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why would Reyes want to play for he Mets? he sees they have no money, haven't been relevant in a few years, faced an ownership issue, and a pretty pathetic minor league talent pool. Even if he said it, he'd be saying it to look good, and it may not be truthful.

I think he ends up a Marlin. I mean, he's Latin and it's Miami. That's like trying to lure me into sex with Marisa Miller, it's not gonna be difficult.
plus isnt reyes and hanley like really good friends? He will more than likely be a marlin.


Shocking The World
Feb 11, 2007
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yea, I think they are.

But I dont think anything happens this week. Last I heard Reyes' agent isn't even in the country.


It is what it is
May 18, 2008
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FPS, why would Reyes still want to play for the Mets? he sees they have no money, haven't been relevant in a few years, faced an ownership issue, and a pretty pathetic minor league talent pool. Even if he said it, he'd be saying it to look good, and it may not be truthful.

I think he ends up a Marlin. I mean, he's Latin and it's Miami. That's like trying to lure me into sex with Marisa Miller, it's not gonna be difficult.

PS - If $120M+ is what it takes to sign Reyes, I don't want him. Mets have pulled that "sign someone to a lot of money to please the fans" crap for too many years now and it's put us in a horrible position.

Shoulda traded him when we had the chance.
Well first of all because he knows that he can do as he pleases in NY, Ozzie isnt gonna take that shit in Miami. He likes living in NY and doesnt want to move possibly. He also said he wanted to stay which I believe he wants to somewhat to an extent. I also dont think the farm system is pathetic, its just that our top prospects are at lower levels of the minors. I think its mediocre.

I understand that the Marlins look like a great place to play, but just because they get Reyes doesnt turn them into an instant contender. Last time I checked they finished in last place with a staff that wasnt impressive at all. Its a nice first step and piece but they arent miles ahead of the Mets in terms of turning it around.

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