'11/'12 SI NFL Weekly Pick'Em: Sign Up

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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2008
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I will now be taking Sign Ups for this years weekly NFL pick'em. It will work pretty much the same way as last year, except this year we will be starting on time and we will also be doing Pre-Season as well. The Pre-Season will be separate from the Regular/Post Season, your standings from the Pre-Season will not carry over to the Regular season. Basically, the Pre-Season will just be for fun to get all of us going, I could make it count but figured nobody would like that because it's very complicated to pick Pre-Season games. Each week I will post the Weekly Schedule for the weeks upcoming games, all games must be turned in before Thursday. If you turn them in on Thursday, that's fine as long as you get them in before the Thursday Night game. I only want people to join if they are willing to commit to it every week, having people do it one week and not the other made it very confusing and caused a lot more work. If you sign up, you are willing to be apart of it starting with Pre-Season through Post-Season. If for some reason you join and quit doing it all of a sudden, you will be removed and will lose all of your points. I will also pick four random games each week that will include bonus points, if you pick the right winners in all or either of them four games, you will be awarded the bonus points that will be next to the games in bold with the bonus number. The bonus points will be anywhere from 1-5. Also, I will pick two random games where you will need to guess the score of the game (total points scored between the two teams). If you are within 5 of the total points scored, you will get 5 bonus points. So, if you are within 5 of both games selected, you will get 10 bonus points. I will score it off of your weeks Win/Loss record and then add the bonus points. For example, if you go 9-7 for the games you picked, you would get 9 points plus whatever bonus points you may get. The Regular Season points will carry over to the Post-Season. Each Post-Season game will be worth 10 points. No bonus points in Post-Season.

If you have any questions or any suggestions, let me know! I will keep track of everything and will begin to take sign ups. I will be apart of it as well. I will update this page as people sign up! This should be a lot of fun!

Signed up:
1. WhenIRap
2. .infamous
3. nolafan33
4. Bleacher Creature
5. Frontpage Stardom
6. _NV™
8. :: Sick.Wid.It ::
9. kammeh.
10. RipCity32
12. PTT81
13. bosoxlover12
14. bestkeptsecret13
15. McCoy4Heisman
16. Hurricane
17. Falcons11497
18. әightninә.
19. dove
20. TTN2810
21. elcheato
22. DJT


Feb 28, 2010
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Should just do it normal, you get a win for every game you get right, you get a loss for every game you get wrong, best win-loss record wins


King Of The East
Hall of Fame
Jan 22, 2006
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Sign me up again. Bout to run it again lol.
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