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  1. M

    Is this shit still going?

    Wow haven't been on a forum in a minute...then BrewCrew DMed me like 4 times on twitter and I found this. Maybe I'll stick around.   By the way, the name "Sports Insomnia" is cancer, just saying.
  2. M

    Will the Panthers or Patriots go undefeated?

    Why or why not? Who will they lose to?
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    Week 11 Game Thread: Sunday 11/22 Rams @ Ravens 1PM
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    Week 11 Game Thread: Thursday 11/19 Titans @ Jaguars 8:25
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    The 5 Toughest Guys I’ve Ever Blocked- Jonathon Ogden Awesome read, especially as a Oline Coach
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    Adrian Peterson is ahead of his MVP pace from 2012, when he gained 2,097 yards. Think he has a shot of beating his personal record, and if he does, will he win MVP?
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    Meet Mickey Jannis, baseball's next knuckleballing wonder