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  1. arkomalarko

    Trash Talk

    My bad boys, I was on the road for work all day yesterday, didn't get a chance to finish what I had going.
  2. arkomalarko

    Trash Talk

    The more the merrier!
  3. arkomalarko

    Trash Talk

    I'll take you up on the steeeez. I'm gonna need a later deadline though, I gotta get home to my laptop to finish it up.
  4. arkomalarko

    [CHECK IN] ICC 2 (+Topics)

    21   ..that is if I'm in lol
  5. arkomalarko

    Trash Talk

    I'm game Cane. I've got a few sigs in the works.
  6. arkomalarko

    Trash Talk

    Sent it over buzz buzz. And yeah I gotta try and stay active. A few sigs a week should be cake work for me. Emphasis on "should".
  7. arkomalarko

    Trash Talk

    Anyway I can get ranked before saturday's matchup(s)?   I've got 1 sig ready to rock, wanna do a few more.
  8. arkomalarko

    Power Rankings 9-11

    Yeah I attempted the 200% but hated how the sigs were looking, couldn't get my mind past it. Got my laptop back up and running at home now.
  9. arkomalarko

    Power Rankings 9-11

    Fucking retina display on my works mac makes it impossible to make sigs. Combine that with my laziness and you have the perfect storm for me to slackkkkk super hard. Seeing some dope sigs in the matchups that I've missed. You boys are crushing it.
  10. arkomalarko

    Trash Talk

    So I'm finally realizing how this works since I'm an idiot. Didn't realize battles could only happen on Monday. I'll toss you something for next monday buzz.
  11. arkomalarko

    [MNT #2] Hurricane1183 vs. Steezo

    I'd rock that future if it was textless. I know it's simple to go after the text but sometimes sigs don't need it imo.
  12. arkomalarko

    Trash Talk

    I've got a sig lined up, hopefully can do something after work today. I'll take on anyone.
  13. arkomalarko

    [SNS #1] Battle Royale

    Fuckkk totally forgot to work on one after work on friday :(
  14. arkomalarko

    Power Rankings 9-11

      Location: Troy, NY   Haha didn't realize this Blu/Exile piece was so big.
  15. arkomalarko

    Power Rankings 9-11

    Sig by tomorrow at 4, got it. I'll pm it over. Topic is anything correct?
  16. arkomalarko

    Power Rankings 9-11

    Any room for one more? Steez and I working on a wall, he mentioned this to me last night.
  17. arkomalarko

    GFX-Pert Vol.2 [ROUND.THREE]

    I'll send it to you today, should be able to find a little time at work.
  18. arkomalarko

    GFX-Pert Vol.2 [ROUND.THREE]

    Is it too late for this? I was sick the past few days and didn't have my gear at home with me. Would love to finish my piece and submit it
  19. arkomalarko

    The 6ix

    Haha deveeeee my man. It was a long exposure light stock from a friend (the swirly dotted lines). Unless you mean the scratch stock thats been around for a decade, cause that dudes my shiiiiiiiiit
  20. arkomalarko

    GFX-Pert Vol.2 [ROUND.THREE]

    Oh okay, it literally means a collage. Got it haha.