Recent content by Crunkbuc4d1

  1. Crunkbuc4d1

    Adam Lind

    That's great, man. What fonts did you use?
  2. Crunkbuc4d1

    MLB Fan Roll Call

    Favorite Team: Cubs Least Favorite Team: Cards Favorite Player: Derek Lee Next World Series Winners: Cubs Comments: This is our year!!!!!!
  3. Crunkbuc4d1

    Baseball Buy or Sell

    Buy: I could care less about a ump politely directing Ordonez to the dungout. B/S: Big Papi getting his first homerun this month.
  4. Crunkbuc4d1

    'Hard Knocks' to feature Bengals

    Other than the Cowboys, is there a better selection? You have Chad Johnson to stir things up with his trade demands. Then you kno someone will get arrested during the taping of the show. It's perfect!
  5. Crunkbuc4d1

    NFL Fan Roll Call

    1. Who's your favorite team? Why? Bucs 2. Who's your least Favorite Team? Why? Cowboys 3. Favorite Current Player? All-Time? Derrick Brooks for both 4. Who's going to win the next Super Bowl Patriots 5. Comments Never draft a 2nd round QB in the 1at round.
  6. Crunkbuc4d1

    Is he good or bad for the NBA?

    But what have Cuban's teams ever done besides have their hearts ripped out by D-Wade?
  7. Crunkbuc4d1

    Basketball Buy or Sell

    Sell: Pau will flop him into foul trouble. B/S: Ron Artest getting a technical foul.
  8. Crunkbuc4d1

    2009 NBA Playoffs 2nd Round Thread

    At some point the Rockets should get the credit they've earned. They play harder than the Lakers, that's the difference. You can't teach heart and that's what they have.
  9. Crunkbuc4d1

    Is he good or bad for the NBA?

    George has rings to show for his madness.
  10. Crunkbuc4d1

    NBA Fan Roll Call

    Favorite Team: Grizzlies Least Favorite Team: Lakers Favorite Player: Shaq Next NBA Champs: Nuggets Comments: Plz NBA gods...let the Grizz win the lottery.
  11. Crunkbuc4d1

    Basketball Buy or Sell

    Sell: They're too old to trade youth for a guy who has one or two good years left in him. B/S: The Memphis Grizzlies winning the lottery for the 1st time.
  12. Crunkbuc4d1

    Player Comparison #8

    D-Will...and it not even close. You can find a 2-guard that can get you 20 a night. Finding an elite PG is rare.
  13. Crunkbuc4d1


    He was entertaining 3 years ago...not it's just annoying.
  14. Crunkbuc4d1

    T.O.'s reality show

    "TO: I Am Who I Am"
  15. Crunkbuc4d1

    Football Buy or Sell

    Sell: They'd win the North hands down. B/S The Bills making the playoffs