Recent content by boubabi

  1. boubabi


      I tried a bi-colored hot/cold look with a postcard feeling to it
  2. boubabi


    Damn u, mac users
  3. boubabi


    I would argue the need of the scanlines in the background, but the whole effect around marner is pretty good.   If I'm picky, I would also say the I would prefer the main content of the background to be on the right side, considering most people have their icons on the left side, but that is...
  4. boubabi

    Vince.Carter. is the OG 
  5. boubabi

    Eating Tide Pods was a thing

    Thanks amigos  :drunk:
  6. boubabi


    Yeah, the text layout could be different as well. The colors and the "scrapbooking" look is nice. I would remove the purple stroke near vince carter as it is too obvious that it's a stroke. The background is really nice 
  7. boubabi

    Eating Tide Pods was a thing

    Its kinda sad anyway, I've switched my focus on 3D softwares (Mostly Maya and Nuke) for the last year but I've done some mediocre sigs in-between.      
  8. boubabi

    NHL 18 Custom Cover

    Is this still a thing ? Anyway, here's my shot. Not very creative indeed, just wanted to replicate what (maybe) EA would do  
  9. boubabi

    Entering 3D School

    So I've been trying some shits on Maya/C4D and Arnold as my render engine   Most of my shits on my deviantart :
  10. boubabi

    Bunch of generic looking sigs

  11. boubabi

    First sig in forever

    did this too  
  12. boubabi

    First sig in forever

  13. boubabi

    My recent shit

      dope sig btw
  14. boubabi

    My recent shit

    Thanks homie, I do appreciate the text work on the 2nd and the 4th one either
  15. boubabi

    My recent shit

    I thought the 5th one was the weakest but thanks ! 