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  1. Blake

    Ed Reed

    Damn. That's sick. 
  2. Blake

    Cyclone2426's Custom Covers

    Dude, can I get that .psd file? I wanna make a Duncan one as well. Thanks. 
  3. Blake

    Cyclone2426's Custom Covers

    Jesus, you're are a lot better than mine. I'm definitely printing and using that Alstott. 
  4. Blake

    Jameis Winston (Dark Knight Rises)

    LOL yeah I will. 
  5. Blake

    Jameis Winston (Dark Knight Rises)

    Ehh, I suppose but I actually liked that the logo was brighter.    I still need to use the render that Bosox made for me. Mine was all sorts of fucked up. 
  6. Blake

    Jameis Winston (Dark Knight Rises)
  7. Blake

    Edit request
  8. Blake

    Edit request

    Doesn't matter. Hedman would be nice lol
  9. Blake

    Edit request

    Can anyone hook me up?
  10. Blake

    Edit request

    I still have some photos; however, most are of Tampa teams. I can ask a friend there for his login but I think they're all individual and no longer company wide and don't wanna get him in trouble.
  11. Blake

    Edit request

    No. Sadly, I quit my job at the paper about a year ago.
  12. Blake

    Edit request    Basically, the same effect, minus the text to either of these two images;
  13. Blake

    Revis is a Buc

  14. Blake

    Revis is a Buc

    Talib was moved because of behavior issues. He was the best corner on that team in 2011. 
  15. Blake

    Can I get a few cuts?

    When you work at a newspaper for six years, you get some access to shit. Took about five to actually get it. 
  16. Blake

    Revis is a Buc

    Just for shits and giggles.             Talib -- a first round pick by the Buccaneers -- is one of the worst starting corners in the NFL.    EJ Biggers, a seventh round pick on the worst pass defense in NFL history was rated higher than Talib.    Revis, in just 93 snaps, recorded a higher...
  17. Blake

    Revis is a Buc

      Is this serious..? 
  18. Blake

    Revis is a Buc

      You actually think any of the DBs taken so far will be better than Revis? That's hysterical.
  19. Blake

    Can I get a few cuts?
  20. Blake

    Can I get a few cuts?

    Hmmm, I doubt it ... It is the AP.    I like the first image at this point. This one is also a favorite;