Recent content by GraphSD

  1. G


  2. G

    2 New

  3. G


    Com'z :)
  4. G

    Russian Boy

    Com'z :)
  5. G

    Get out of his way or he'll crush you !

  6. G

    Steve Begin

  7. G

    Dave Bolland

    I don't know how ... I'm french so I don't understand everything you say ...
  8. G

    Dave Bolland

    I didn't finish it but no more inspiration, if someone wants the psd give me your e-mail adress i'll send you by hotmail, or if someone have great ideas :)
  9. G

    Cinderella Team Goalie

    Comz ?
  10. G


    Could you send me your stocks to ? Or anybody else please
  11. G


    Yeah but I don't know the logiciel very well ...I dont know how use topaz, I dont know how to do sharpen etc ...
  12. G


    David Krejci sign. Not finish. I like that but I don't know what I have to add. No more inspiration. Could someone help me ? Like giving me textures or text or ideas. Thanks. (I'm french, scuze my english)
  13. G

    Gtown's Varlamov sig

    Ok. I'll try without ! ^^
  14. G

    Gtown's Varlamov sig

    humm, okay, but could you now only give me a link or something where i can find something like that ? Because i'm doing a sin right now and it's missing :P
  15. G

    Gtown's Varlamov sig

    i'm trying but i got bad english, it's tough to comunicate so ... You'll gave me texture only when i'll got 50 messages withtout spam ?